Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am not going to try and explain it well, or with amazing words or something. I am just going to say this.. time in India goes fast and slow, sometimes days can be slow, weeks can be slow as well, but months? Wait, it's already February? Wait, I am leaving in a week and a half?
These last two weeks will be very busy, so I thought I would quickly do an update that may be my last one while in India.
There are lots of new people who have come to help at House of Hope and Bright Star. Currently I have two girls from a YWAM team staying with me. One is Swedish and the other German. They are here with two boys, an Indian and another Swede. In the other house Anneloes' friend came to visit as well as an American who is here for a couple of weeks to see House of Hope. Next week two girls from Holland arrive and will be here for six weeks.
So I have my hospitality pants on and have been getting to it! Though I have realized that the time when it was only Anneloes and I here made me a little socially awkward and I have had readjust to large groups of people being around. No problem, I have bounced back quickly.
I am finishing up my work here, a little update from the October post, 2+2=11.. Sahara and Tanmay finished their lessons on ABC's and now know the letters! They need some help with the some of the hard letters, but we know that LMNOP is not one letter! Also, Sakshi knows that 2+2 doesn't equal 11, but 4. A miracle? No. They have a GREAT teacher at Bright Star and what they couldn't remember from school we would help them at home.
I will be cherishing these last weeks with the kids, hugging them more then usual. As well as making sure they know how much I truly love them...

Thank you for your continued prayers... see you in America!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Republic Day

Yesterday was India's Republic Day !
I was so excited to be able to celebrate such a fun day with all the kids from Bright Star Education. We had a school program filled with songs and dances (will upload them soon)
Here is a peek of what my day was like... and yes, for this very special day I rocked a sari.

strawberry fields.

Took a motorbike trip on Sunday to a place up in some mountains, where there are strawberry fields and restaurants with strawberry shakes, strawberries & creme and strawberry ice cream.. It was beautiful as well as delicious!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

princes & princesses

Sunday, January 9, 2011

you take chai?

Thursday night, was quite the night. Two of the staff from House of Hope, Agnes & Pinky both live in one of the local slums. Agnes has been inviting Anneloes and I to come visit their slum for the past couple of weeks and we finally got the chance on Thursday. I didn't know what to expect, it was my first time going to a slum. They are everywhere, I see slums everyday, but never actually walked through one. We love Agnes and Pinky and knew this would be such a good experience. So off we went! We had lots and lots of chai, and felt so welcomed by everyone. We only got to see part of their slum so we are going back sometime soon to see the rest and to see more of where the kids from Bright Star live... but here are some photos from the parts we did see.

Kavita and Simon. Kavita used to work at House of Hope during the nights. Simon attends Bright Star Education!
Ah, so happy.
Sapna and her sister. Sapna also goes to Bright Star!
Neha, her younger sister, mom & grandma.
Neha, also a Bright Star student !
Agnes & I at her front door, it was beautiful. They had lots of plants, they even had a bird cage with birds chirping away.
Agnes' house, decorated for Christmas :)
Pinky & Agnes serving chai and our favorite snack...which I cannot spell, but its like a pastry with coconut and sugar, some nuts.. really no idea how to explain it either.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

... ... ...

Pictures are worth a thousand words, right?

Kids on a little boat ride!
Trip to the local garden!
One of the local hospitals had a Christmas party for House of Hope and one other orphanage... filled with games, food, coloring, and an Indian Santa even came to visit.
Took the kids to an Indian amusement park over their Christmas holiday, I believe the park consisted of all of the reject rides from America.. no problem. The kids had a blast.
The House of Hope boys on Christmas!
Anneloes, my roommate, and I decorated a Christmas tree and filled each other's stockings for Christmas!
Sakshi and Simon at the schools Christmas program.Sahara.

The boys received hats from someone, and are now obsessed with them.

Chetan and I. He is quite a sass. Sometimes we refer to him as Baby Chetan. But lets be real here... we are best friends.

Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas, and have a very Happy New Year!